Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reviews of First-class Personal Information Software

According to the latest survey on the internet, more than 30 percent people in the world are the users of personal information management software. On the basis of the introduction on Wikipedia, personal information management software, also known as PIM software, must have the capacity to help users organize passwords, tasks, notes, contacts, diaries, schedules and so forth.

The most essential merits of personal info managers
Environment protection. In some ways, using paper books is destroying forests. Whereas, if we choose software to take place of notes books, we can save a lot of trees and make our earth much healthier.

Save labor and employee cost. In general, personal information manager could take place of your helper in most cases, besides, the former one is much cheaper. For instance, it can help you record the detailed info about clients, remind you the birthdays of your contacts if needed, remind you when, where and with who to have a meeting and announce news to other users in your group at the real time and so on.

Help people gain timely execution of task. For the reason that PIM software has the remind function, all users would be reminded at the right time about their activities, meetings and birthdays as setting.

Keep up with the times. With the time goes on, almost all people in the world own at least one computer and mobile phone no matter for work or personal use. As thus, people may choose some software programs to grow productivity so that they will not fall behind others.

Assuredly, the function of software to a computer is the same as foundation to a building. Hence, only you choose the best programs can your "building" be most secure. And the following are some reviews for top personal information managers.

The looking of EfficientPIM is as simple as Microsoft Outlook but it is much cheaper than Microsoft Outlook. EfficientPIM is able to help users manage meetings, favorite URLs, diaries, tasks, address book, etc. It has three editions in total, free, pro and network (for all users in one office).
Pros: 1. Simple to operate. 2. Not expensive. 3. The interface style is customizable.
Cons: 1. It is not compatible with mobile devices.
Supported OS: Windows 8/7/XP/Vista  Price: $39.95

Microsoft Outlook
To a degree, Since Microsoft Outlook is a little costly, it is much more popular among small or large companies. Usually, people may use this program to manage meetings and appointments, notes, clients, tasks and diaries and so forth. Beyond that, different members in one office could share those data above with each other.
Pros: 1. User friendly. 2. Functions well with internet email server.
Cons: 1. Costly. 2. Only Outlook is running can the reminder window work well.
Supported OS: Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7  Price: $109.99

Efficient Calendar
Designed by Yifei Technology Co., Ltd., Efficient Calendar is a task organizer, schedule reminder and time manager which could help users save time. Users could get started about this program in second because its layout is as clean as MS Outlook.
Pros: 1. Very fast to get started. 2. all users in one department could share data with the network version of this software.
Cons: 1. It does not support iOS and Android Systems at present.
Supported OS: Windows 8/7/XP/Vista  Price: $34.95

On the whole, there are plenty of personal information managers in the market, hence it is more than easy to choose when needed. Put another way, it is available for all users no matter they want to manage their information with one or more products. For instance, people could choose Portable EfficientPIM Free as their manage personal info program.
Reference information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_information_manager

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Cactus is one of the strongest plants in the world. It can live in a very dry and hot condition. Even you don't water it for several months. Cactus can be alive also.

What's more, cactus could live in the desert, too. Hence, in the most cases,  cactus stands for strength, grittiness and braveness.

I bought a bottle of cactus last year, and it grows very well under my extremely "careless" careness. That is to say, cactus is the best choice for lazy people.

Other Source:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Client Management Software Benefits

I, as a office worker, will work with my clients everyday to reach our goals, and there are so many client that I couldn't remember them all, so today, I want to share some tips with you~

Get notified of your schedule or calendar automatically and keep track of your new clients. All can be achieved thanks to the best client management software. If you use Google Calendar you can manage to combine it well and receive multiple messages / appointment reminders you can use forwarding messages from Gmail.

You can set up a list waiting to do something with clients. We talk about ideas or notes, not tasks. In the next phase we will turn into an action to perform. You can give feedback and discuss future projects. It is up to you.

Processing: Notes in concept form

We collect the ideas attaching links or images of interest. At this stage we collect each task or annotations regarding clients and translate to tasks, and classified so we can filter them later. To achieve this we apply the following guidelines:

    Give the note as idea and become realizable task. We define an understandable title and in the body of the note include a more detailed description if necessary as well as the enclosed material necessary for its implementation.

    If we perform more than one action to complete it is a project. To manage it we can create a list with check boxes.

    We classify the note by the context in which to do it. Add a tag indicating the location / tool needed to be able to group your tasks when you're in that situation, "office", "pc", "home" ...

    We classify the note by the level of energy and time to do it. Uses three levels High, Medium, Low (A / M / B). It will help you decide depending on the intensity you can apply to your work and time you have available.

Later, you will transform them into project tasks as checkbox. The final step is to process a task to send one of your action lists. To define a coherent system you intend to use one of these two systems. The first based on client management software has the following lists:

    Inbox. The default address book where you get everything compiled, already exists in your system.

    Next actions. Actions you to realize over the next week, have priority and deadline.

    On hold. Tasks delegated to third parties or emails and calls waiting to be answered.

    Someday / Maybe. No priority tasks and long-term desires.

    Projects. Issues that need to be completed more than a task or action. We have said that we can implement them with a list of verifiable boxes, can we assert for simple projects, but the complexity of the project requires it will open a notepad for your actions or subprojects, and go sending the list of next actions as you go completing.

Overall, it is highly recommended for those who want to continue working for an input / output with clients, keep their contact lists updated, etc.

Beautiful Flower

Today I want to show you this kind of flower, it's so beautiful, isn't it? And do you know what is the name of this flower? If you are interested in it, then use any way you can find to get the answer, or I will tell you what it is some days latter~ At last, hope you have a nice day!

Scindapsus aureus

Geographic distribution

Scindapsus aureus native to central and South America, tropical rain forest area. Have a wide distribution in the world, including South Australia, Malaysia, Indochina, Japan, India China. Now has been introduced to most of the tropical and subtropical forest.

Scindapsus aureus is a large evergreen herbaceous vines, often climbing growth in rocks and tree trunks, can grow to a maximum of 20 meters, stem diameter of 4 cm, indoor plant height can reach 2 meters. Scindapsus aureus stem is stout, rattan length up to several meters, vine length up to ten meters, with aerial roots around the internodes section.

With the increasing of age, stem thickening, blade is also bigger. Young branchlets looks like whip, slender, lower leaves are large, broadly ovate, papery.

Mature branches petiole is stout, leaf blade thinly leathery, emerald green, with irregular pure yellow plaque, entire, inequilateral ovate or ovate oblong, apex acuminate, base deeply cordate. The leaves up to 100 cm long, 45 cm wide (young plants, usually under 20 cm). Young leaves are ovate-cordate, length about 30cm and width about 10cm. Thick green leaves with white irregular spots or stripes.

Use value

Medicinal value

Efficacy: blood stasis.
Indications: for traumatic injury.
Usage and dosage: oral (decoction, 3~9g). external (pound deposited).

Landscape value

1. adsorb impurities

Scindapsus aureus can absorb benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, according to environmentalists, just decorated new homes need more ventilation, put Several pots of scindapsus aureus to absorb harmful gases, basically can achieve occupancy standards, the new laid floor is very easy to produce harmful substances. Because the scindapsus aureus can purify the benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene in the air, therefore very suitable to placed in the newly renovated room.

2. Air purification

Scindapsus aureus also have strong function of air purification, have the green cleaner reputation. Scindapsus aureus can formaldehyde into sugars and amino acids etc by the new supersedes the old, can also decompose benzene that emitted by the copiers, printers, and also can absorb it.

Ornamental value

Scindapsus aureus evergreen the four seasons, long branch drooping, swaying, is an excellent foliage plants, suitable for wall, tree trunks greening, and can also be used as ground cover plants.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Pachira macrocarpa

Geographic distribution

Pachira macrocarpa is Bombacaceae evergreen small trees. Native to Costa rica of Latin America, Australia and some small island of the Pacific.
Pachira macrocarpa stems erect, leaves alternate, a long stem, palmately compound, with 9 - 12 leaflets, leaflets 12-15cm long, 6cm wide. Because of their unique tree leaf, it has many other names, and it is suitable in warm and wet, well ventilated environment, heliophilous, also a little shade-tolerance, the best growing in loose fertile and well drained soil.
Tree height 8-15m, palmately compound, branches many verticillate. Flowers are large, up to 22.5cm, petals laciniate, color has red, white or light yellow, bright color. 4-5 months to blossom, 9-10 months the fruit is ripe, with 10-20 seeds, large size, irregular shape, light brown, mainly by seed production. Seed mature in autumn. Indoor view are mostly as miniature gardening type pot, for accelerated growth can be planted on the ground, and after in a pot.

Use value

As miniature gardening

As the pachira macrocarpa have a large rate of budding, after some repair work, it can quickly expand new branches, so the pachira macrocarpa can keep leafy. If wanting to make the pachira macrocarpa as modelling unique miniature gardening, in the rich tree seedling period, let 3~5 pachira macrocarpa bending binding or braided bundles, and when the pachira macrocarpa grow up, cut stem.

As shade tree

Pachira macrocarpa in the landscaping can be used as a shade tree, used to shade. Landscape in the early, often put the pachira macrocarpa plant alone or opposite planting, built a cool, comfortable garden environment, shielding the scorching sun. Later the pachira macrocarpa is used in the landscape, in the scenic area also has grow many. Pachira macrocarpa is evergreen arbor, can grow 10m trunk, crown of the tree is big, form a large shade, and can cover the sun, adjust temperature, bring good, comfortable rest environment. Pachira macrocarpa leaves are flat, with no bad smell, no toxicity, and there are few pest phenomenon, strong and fecundity, can adapt to the different environment. Pachira macrocarpa also has high ornamental value, these features determines that it can be widely used by landscaping workers. As a shade tree, can according to the actual size of the garden space, and the height of the surrounding buildings to decide to opposite planting, isolated planting or clump planting of the pachira macrocarpa.

As street trees

Pachira macrocarpa can be used as street trees in greening landscape. Pachira macrocarpa is easy to root species, developed root system, itself also can store large amounts of water, so need little water, strong drought tolerant, no need of frequent watering; pachira macrocarpa have strong growth, plant diseases and insect pests is little, easy to maintenance in the garden; the pachira macrocarpa have strong adaptability, wide application range, rapid growth, can be prune repeatedly; beautiful appearance, the crown is large, can form a large shade, very suitable as street trees, can be very good to improve the overall landscape ecological quality. As a street tree, need according to the natural growth of tree, seven branch points need to have very high levels to meet the needs of pedestrians and vehicles to pass normally. When the road surface is narrow or the need for large vehicles passing, then need to maintain a tree branch points over 3.0~3.5m. When the road surface is fairly broad or in a walking commercial street, can maintain a tree branch points in 2.5~3.0m. When the turning radius is very small or no good view, should not be planted, prevent the pachira macrocarpa blocking pedestrian or the driver's line of sight.